Hello! My name is Garrett N. Doll​​​​​​​
At the time of finishing this portfolio, I'm a 26-years-old aspiring artist/game developer from Southern Maine. Game Design and Arts student at Southern New Hampshire University

With my current skillset, I'm not aiming for any specific position in game development.
I'm hoping that my work will show that I'm willing to learn any position that is involved in your studio's pipeline; from concept art and graphic design, to 3D modeling/Animation, to level design. 
My philosophy and work ethic has always been that it's better to be a Jack of All Trades in an industry that can be so demanding.
About Me:

Ever since I was a little kid, video games have been a huge part of my life. The first games that I remember having a distinct impact on me were Sonic Adventure DX and Super Mario Sunshine, both on the Nintendo Gamecube.
I remember being in my school's library and doing my best to sketch out F.L.U.D.D. (Mario's automated water-shooting backpack in Sunshine), Sonic the Hedgehog, and other characters from games/TV shows/movies I liked. 

Ever since then, there was always bug in my ear that made me strive to create. 

As I grew up, I started paying attention to other game franchises like PokémonHalo, and The Elder Scrolls. Games that allowed a certain element of creativity, whether it was the vast number of combinations you could use as a Pokémon Trainer, or how cool you wanted your SPARTAN-III to look in multiplayer matches.

Eventually, this drive for creative expression grew into something more. I started drawing more and eventually, I realized I wanted to help make the games that I was playing. A little cliché, I know, but it's true!


What I hope you see in this portfolio is someone who is willing to learn the tools of the trade. While I believe my current works are good, I know that they are very rough in regards to industry standards.
It is my hope that you can see something in me as a potential recruit to your team. 
Being a proper game developer is a dream of mine that I would love to make a reality.

So, for your consideration...

Graphic Design: 
Abstract Scenes - Travel Posters
Listed here are the notable works I did for a Graphics Design class.

The two abstract scenes here were admittedly, not what the assignment called for. However, I personally still like how they came out.

The two travel posters were supposed to show a scene from a short story titled "The Shunned House" that centered around a particular house that had an unsettling aura to it and was always left abandoned but never torn down.
First 3D Model: Sci-Fi Pistol
Concept Art - Presentation Board - Render
When I started working on the pistol model, I wanted to take inspiration from multiple toy/dart guns that I had lying around. So I took the time to sketch the many features that each toy had that made it look and feel unique.
While the end result deviated slightly from the sketches, I personally think that it maintained the spirit of what I was trying to accomplish. As my first ever model, I think it turned out well!
Level Design: Overworld
Concept Art - Screenshots - Flythrough
This was my initial go at designing a level.

The concept behind Overworld was essentially a central hub world set in a Fantasy, Hack-and-Slash RPG. The player would use this level as a break between missions as well as build a substantial base of operations.

The end result was a little smaller than what initially set out and, of course, I wasn't able to integrate much infrastructure. However, I really like how the land itself came out. 
These two videos, the flythrough and the skybox, were made after I did some tweaking to the textures of the land to make the mountains more accurate and to have a more established path from the player's spawn point to the rest of the map.

Even more so, this level design grew on me. My only gripes are that I wish that I was able to find a way for the time of day lighting to be slightly more realistic and the overall size of the level, for me, is a little too small. 
I think once I've taken some time off after graduating, I will try remaking this level from the ground up. 
Three Deaths and a Walk
For my first attempt at death and walking animations, I'm glad that the mistakes are easy fixes. Just need to make some of the key pose transitions a little less stiff and awkward and make sure that the walk is a perfect loop.
Character Concepts
GPU / Wraith - Captain Duck / Cyber Dog
The two humanoid characters I came up with were named "GPU" and "Wraith."

GPU was meant to be a high-level NPC that players could talk to for quest information. The "game" that I used as a prompt to make this character was supposed to be an MMORPG of sorts, where the setting is the inner workings of a modern computer with a high emphasis on steampunk for aesthetic.

Wraith was meant to be a playable "hero" of sorts in a hack-and-slash horror game that took place entirely in a distorted world where art was taking over life. The inspiration I took was from the iconic painting known as "The Scream" by Edvard Munch
The two animal characters I ended up developing further were named "Captain Duck" and "Cyber Wolf." However, as you can see, I had a lot of potential other candidates for both slots.

The prompt game that Captain Duck was created from was intended to be a mobile racing game aimed at kids. The setting was that while the kid who owned the toys was away, their toys would get bored and decide to hold small racing tournaments. Each character I came up with would be a optional racer the player could pick.
For Captain Duck specifically, I intended for his boat to have a texture that mimicked a 3D printed look, to show how this rubber duck got its own boat.

The game the Cyber Wolf was made from was supposed to be a traditional RPG set in the not-to-distant future in the war torn streets of Chicago. This would be a bleak future where many animals have been horrifically altered by corporations in order to survive in a rapidly decaying ecosystem and technology was far more advanced than modern day.
The Cyber Wolf was the character I decided to go with as a challenge to myself. I had never modeled a dog before and I felt like I could make something decent. The results were mixed and part of me wants to have another go at it.

Game Design (Main Menu + Two Levels)
Demo - Screenshots
Here is my go at designing a small game in Unreal Engine 4 with a menu that would bring the player to one of two levels. Each level was meant to have a timer of around 3 minutes and have a trigger that the game would count. What I decided to make was a sort of MOBA-style game with 3rd and 1st-person shooting mechanics. 

The world of this game was meant to be a two-sided conflict, with one being focused around technological growth and the other themed around preserving nature.
The first level is the core gameplay in my mind. A large open arena with two distinct sides and the player controls a hero with unique abilities (i.e. Gigantic or Overwatch). The map would have more dynamic objectives in the same way other MOBA-style games' maps do. Each objective would be themed around one of the two factions, like destroying the big tree if you're on the industry's side.

The second level is more of a detailed look at how I would design the map, specifically the area around the main objective. The level is supposed to be a stand-in for the industry's main reactor, if it were to be destroyed, nature's side would win.
Programs I've Worked With:

- 3DS Max

- Adobe Animate
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Premiere Pro

- Blender*

- Clip Studio

- Maya
- Mudbox

- Unreal Engine 4

*Blender is a program I'm very new to, but I plan to become more familiar with in the coming months
SNHU Portfolio


SNHU Portfolio
